Cardiology Speciality Area
Glenfield Hospital is the regional centre for Interventional Cardiology and Supra Regional centre for the Adult Congenital Cardiology service, we have 5 cardiology wards, a large 6 room Angiocatheter Suite and many associated specialist services and clinics.
Respiratory Speciality Area
Comprising 5 wards, including our Respiratory High Dependency Unit, Cystic Fibrosis Unit and associated speciality services enjoys regional speciality status.
Renal Speciality Area
Services centred around the Glenfield Hospital, 2 Nephrology wards, a Renal High Dependency unit and acute Haemodialysis unit, this area also supports a number of outlying Haemodialysis Units and Community Dialysis services throughout the Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Rutland and Northamptonshire Region